Apostle Linda Chapman, President
Healed of neck and back pain
Hi Pastor Linda,
I am sending you my testimony of how God not only healed me of my emotional wounds, but he healed my physical wound as well, to God be the Glory!! As you have been teaching the "Intensive Care Class" on Wednesday nights on healing of the Mind, Will, and the Emotions, God has really been dealing with me on past hurts, rejections and offences. Years ago I was emotionally wounded before I left a previous ministry, and had carried that scar for many years and didn't know it. About a year ago I was in a service with the person who hurt me and she hugged me and asked me to forgive her. She told me that when I left the ministry she should have embraced me but instead I was treated like an outcast and the Lord said justice has been done. I told her I forgave her with my mouth, but didn't know I had not forgiven her in my heart. On last night at bible study, at the end of class, Pastor Linda ask us to repeat a statement after her, which gave God permission to come into those deep areas of hurt, and to bring those things to our remembrance that had caused us so much pain that He wanted to heal. As I allowed God to go in, God brought back to my remembrance the unforgiveness that I still had in my heart toward her. I did not know this was still in my heart. I totally did not know that it was there. I had not forgiven her in my heart; only with my mouth. Once I released that unforgiveness, immediately the pain that I have had in my back and neck for years disappeared. Praise God!! I received a double healing, Hallelujah! I have gone to Chiropractors, I have had Physical Therapy, Message Therapy, taken numerous kinds of medication for years, and nothing would relieve that pain in my back and neck, nothing but the healing blood of Jesus!! I can say I am truly healed in this area of my life. Glory be to God!!! Pastor Linda, I am truly grateful to God for choosing you as a vessel to minister healing to the broken hearted. You are truly anointed for the calling. God Bless you and keep you. Love you much!!! [VH]
Weight Loss Due to Healing from Judgmental Words
For years I had been trying to lose weight. I tried everything I could to control my eating habits and lose weight, but I kept gaining in spite of all my efforts. About a year ago, while fasting and praying for the ministry, the Lord let me know that He wanted to do some more healing in me. As I yielded to the Holy Spirit, the Lord started dealing with me concerning the root cause of my inability to control my appetite. He said, the problem is, "words spoken over you and how those judgmental words deeply hurt you". The Lord caused me to recall supernaturally those who spoke negatively over me so that I could forgive them. As I begin to release forgiveness towards those who said things like, "You're so greedy," and "You eat like a pig," and other words along these lines, the Holy Spirit began to minister to me saying, "That's not who you are! Don't accept that lie from Satan!" Then the Lord said, "Now break the power of those negative words and take authority over the spirit of gluttony!" I did that and the Lord Jesus set me free! I stopped overeating and it was no longer hard. As of today, I have lost 40 pounds and it was effortlessly! Now, when people see me, they ask me how did I lose weight and I get a chance to share my testimony. Praise God for healing my heart from the hurt and effects of negative and judgmental words! [LC]
Healed of Lupus!
I received a text message from a member of our church who had come up for prayer several times to receive healing from Lupus. I had preached a message on healing and she came up for prayer. When I asked her what she wanted prayer for, she said Lupus. However, I kept hearing the Holy Spirit say, she needs emotional healing. As I prayed, I kept listening to the Holy Spirit and proceeded to pray for emotional healing first, asking her if there was someone she needed to forgive. She said yes and I prayed for her emotional healing, and then prayed for physical healing from Lupus. Each time she came up for prayer, I proceeded to pray for total healing of the memories and emotions, and continued to stand against the sickness in her body.
Shortly afterwards, I begin to notice that she wasn't out sick as much, and she started being faithful to come to church and receive the word. About a year after she first came up for prayer concerning Lupus, I received a text message from her saying, "Pastor Linda, I just want you to know that I just left the doctor's office and I am 100% Lupus free! Praise God for His Faithfulness!!!!